Monthly Archives

March 2014


There is No Blueprint

By | Experience Points | No Comments

Ok, I’ll start with a confession. I didn’t play “The Walking Dead” from Telltales Games until a couple of months ago. The reason, I made the awful mistake of not playing the game, for what now seems like an eternity, is that while the game was being praised and winning awards (deservedly so) all throughout the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013, I was stuck thinking that the game was nothing more than an interactive movie, and while it was nice that it had what it appear to be a good story, I thought a game should offer players a more “complete” experience and therefore, being the block head that I am, I dismissed the game. Luckily for me, Extra Credits did an analysis of the game that got me intrigued. Also, around the same time, the stars aligned in a way that made the game available on Steam’s midweek madness sale. It was clear to me that the lord all mighty wanted me to play this game. So I went ahead bought it and tried it out. I couldn’t stop playing it. It was bloody brilliant. It quickly became one of my all-time favorites and I’m constantly telling people to play it because is something that people should definitely experience. Read More


Post O’s Amazing Odyssey

By | DevLog | No Comments

As you may know we recently released O’s Amazing Odyssey, our latest mobile video game currently available for free at the Google Play store here *cough* Download *cough*. Ok, the shameless plug is out of the way I would like to go ahead and start writing this “Experience Points” post. It is tradition that after the release of a game to post a proper post mortem about it. Now you might be wondering why make a post mortem about O’s Amazing Odyssey since its just a little charming game that is currently available for free at the Google Play store here *cough* Download *cough*? Funny thing is, the more I think about it the more I wonder that myself. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m really proud and grateful of what we have done with O’s Amazing Odyssey, available for free at the Google Play store here. The thing is that to be perfectly honest I don’t like the idea of writing a formal post mortem. It’s just going to be me talking pompously about the experience of working on O’s Amazing Odyssey. So how about I do something more useful and write about what we learned while making O’s Amazing Odyssey that might help anyone out there that is making games. Agreed? Good! So without further adieu let’s begin: Read More


The Alpha Female

By | Experience Points | No Comments

It is clear that the video game industry has left its metaphoric infancy state and has enter its metaphoric puberty state, since it can’t stop talking about girls. In the last couple of years one of most prominent topic in the industry has been women. Their roles in the industry, how they’re treated in the workplace and their depiction in games. So trying to keep up with what’s hot and modern I decided to tackle this not-so-controversial-but-some-how-controversial topic! To be clear I will not talk about the role of women in the industry or how they are treated in the workplace, as I feel its not my place to talk about that and there’s better literature on that topic out there in this vast place called the Internet. Also, I don’t want this blog to become my personal soapbox where I try to impose my values and standards on to other people. (We all now that’s the first step on a long road that leads to me jacking off in San Diego) But just to be clear I do support the equality of women in the video game industry and feel that its just a matter of time before this won’t be an issue anymore (Like with any minority). Alright! So with that being said, lets talk about women and how they are depicted in video games. Read More